People have a tendency to be embarrassed by snoring. Depending on the extent of your snoring, you may keep those around you up while you snooze. However, snoring might be much more serious than just an embarrassing part of life. In fact, snoring may be associated with many different health issues and potentially even shorter life expectancy. Yes, that’s right, if you are a frequent snorer, you increase your chances of living a shorter life by 40%.
What causes snoring? Snoring is often a sign of sleep apnea, a respiratory disorder. When discussing sleep apnea, you should know that two kinds exist: obstructive and central. Central sleep apnea occurs when your brain stops sending signals to the muscles that control your breathing. On the other hand, obstructive sleep apnea is more common, and occurs when the muscles within your respiratory system relax and block part of your airway.
Snoring and sleep apnea can linked to the following health issues:
- Frequent headaches
Weight gain
Acid reflux
Heart disease
An irregular heartbeat
- Strokes
For the above reasons, you should have some concern about your snoring. Dr. Sachs recommends seeing a medical professional in order to determine why you are snoring.
Contact us for an appointment
If you are in the Rockford, IL area and would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Sachs, contact us today at 815-963-1731!
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